Sarah Jung's profile

Some other things

Work in progress...

"Homage to Kim Hong Do"
24 x 36
China marker on compressed recycled board

24 x 28
Mixed media on Canvas

7 x 8
Raku Clay ceramic

"Korean Girls love Chicken and Beer"
Graphite on Duralar
Colored Pencil on Canvas

"Mr. Bean"
16 x 20 
Acrylic on Illustration Board
"Galactic Gothic"
16 x 20 
Acrylic on Illustration board
"Measure for Measure"
60 x 70

A quilt made based of Shakespearean play "measure for measure". Created to serve as a purpose of a prop for stage- the protagonist having to be working on the quilt while preforming her soliloquies.
Some other things

Some other things

A few experimental projects, adventuring different types of mediums and concepts.


Creative Fields