i-Detailing is a visual help for the representatives of a Pharmaceutical company. They use this app to explain to each doctor the benefits of using their product during every visit. This is a very specific document, full with statistics and studies, yet it has to present the information in a friendly and easy way for the doctors to understand.
In this case, I designed the interface for Faslodex: a medication use to fight cancer (the animations of the program were done by NINJA). This version below is the English version used for the Caribbean and there is a Spanish version for Central America. Currently, the app is being used in all Latin America by the representatives of Aztrazeneca.
Start Page
The menu will display multiple options. Depending on the symptoms of the patient, different files will move and can be chosen.
Every case has its own page containing the information of the patient, the symptoms, age, diagnosis, etc.
When you touch the book icon, more information will be shown about this case of study.
Another touch of the screen will take you to the references page. If you touch the outside of that window, you go back to the patient's case.
Finally, if you touch the "i" icon you will go to another pop-up window with specific information about the medication called IPP address.
Touching outside of the screen will lead you to the main page.
i-Detailing Faslodex

i-Detailing Faslodex

A guide for Aztrazeneca's medication Faslodex.
