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Darjeeling Tea | Packaging Design

"As the clean, clear mist crosses the silent, vast Himalayan range there is heard a gentle rustling. It is the beautiful, colorfully-dressed women moving slowly through invisible paths across the rolling hills of the Darjeeling tea gardens, skillfully plucking the finest of the delicate leaves from the bushes and dropping them into the soft, green piles forming inside their baskets. Majestic, snow-capped mountains surround them, forming a stunning backdrop. It is a scene as rare and special as the beverage that is the product of their work. Darjeeling is a remote corner of the world where golden-colored monkeys romp by bridges near waterfalls, where tall fir trees stand silently in the valleys as they have for centuries, where long, winding stairs lead up to brightly-colored temples built so high they seem to reach the clouds. The air is filled with the delightful songs of birds of every hue. There is no doubt that the quality of the tea produced here is affected by the magic of its fairy tale surroundings."
Darjeeling Tea | Packaging Design

Darjeeling Tea | Packaging Design

Packaging design for Darjeeling Tea A Tea Like No Other... ...when planted anywhere else in the world, the Darjeeling taste cannot be reproduc Read More
