Catriona (Essuom) Chan's profile

Phenomena - A Bestiary of Storms


Storms are explained in meteorology, the study of the 
atmosphere, as effects of the uneven heating of earth by 
the sun. It is how the earth copes by distributing heat 
across its surface, causing wind, clouds and precipitation. 
They have also been explained as higher beings who 
bring changes in the sky, land and sea. Thunder, the 
sound of Thor, the norse god of thunder, riding his 
chariot across the sky, hurricanes and floods are 
generated by dragons in the chinese mythology, and 
blizzards are caused by yukionna in japanese folklore. 

Every storm out there, are formations of Mrots, seen 
mostly by animals and children, but children tend to lose 
the sight as they age, for reasons unknown. Minds that are 
more open to the idea that there are creatures existing 
are more likely to see them. Informing you about mrots will 
direct your mind into the possibility of seeing one yourself. 

This bestiary contains details of different characteristics 
about few of the mrots, rendered depictions of mrots 
in their environments and scientific illustrations 
containing information about their physical details.
Drazzilb (The Blizzard)

Mobs of spindly Drazzilb descend 
from the sky amidst the freezing 
sleet and frost. Violent, chaotic and 
disorganized, they work themselves 
into a frenzy, smashing and fighting 
amongst themselves, regenerating 
with the falling snow and absorbing 
in shattered comrades. Drazzib while 
spinning, will grab, pull, claw and push 
at anything within reach. 

Drazzib are dangerous because they 
cause gale force winds as they spin, 
blowing snow into roads, as well as 
causing near zero visibility as they are 
smashed and reformed. Being made 
from snow and ice, they radiate cold 
air, the combination of the generated 
wind causes temperatures to drop.
Enacirruh (The Hurricane)

Enacirruh are one of the few grounded 
storms, living deep in the tropical oceans. 
They resent the fact that they cannot fly like 
their relatives, the LLecrepus. Gathering 
together in an attempt to get up into the sky, 
they will bite, stomp and flutter over each 
other in a frenzy. The weaker Enacirruh 
end up crushed in the bottom, becoming 
the stepping stone for the stronger to push 

Their formation resembles a spiral staircase, 
a silent circle in the middle, also known 
as the eye of the storm. Enacirruh are 
dangerous because in their fury they will 
crash into water crafts and air crafts that 
venture too close, their speed pulls wind 
and water and may cause Odanrot and 
Doolfhsalf to group. Sometimes, Enacirruh 
are good as they pull away heat, as they tend 
to assemble in warm evaporating water 
and relieve droughts in the area
Inspiration Descriptions

Enacirruh grew from the characteristics I gave to the storm first, basing the physical appearance from 
the personality of hurricanes, I gave it powerful jaws similar to a clamp, something that would not let go 
easily. The legs are based off mountain goats, which are one of the best climbing animals which would 
suit the violent nature of the hurricane, this storm would keep climbing up as high as it can go. The tail 
is based from the American Alligator who can easily snap a mans leg. Hurricanes start from the ocean in 
warm evaporating water, which I used to give them the characteristic of anger for not being able to fly.
Llecrepus (The Supercell)

Llecrepus are a large and violent storm, they 
circle in packs and tear at anything that 
goes near them. Llecrepus communicate 
similarly to Mrotsrednuht by bellowing 
within the pack, the sound audible from 
over 20 miles away. Surprisingly, they never 
engage in fights with other Llecrepus, often 
turning their anger on approaching outside 
objects such as cars, trees, houses and 
air/water crafts.

Llecrepus will summon other extreme 
weather with the wind,rain and hail they 
generate, such as Doolfhsalf, Tsrubnwod 
and Odanrot. If you see this storm, it is 
best to go the opposite way.
Inspiration Details

Being the most physically powerful storm I would design, I based the Llecrepus off a chinese dragon, which 
is the highest ranking creature in chinese culture. As well as being powerful, the Llecrepus is also based 
off Jormundangr, the world snake, in norse mythology. The horns are also based off the chinese dragon, 
but also as a weapon for it, as a intimidation device like deers antlers or butterflies colourful wings. The 
sharp eyes based off a hawk or eagle because i was thinking of supercell as a giant violent predator. 
The Llecrepus is related to the Mrotsrednuht and Mrotsliah since the supercell is a spinning storm, also 
usually coming with hail, rain, thunder and lightning, so it takes a bit of the characteristics of each.
Mrotsdnas (The Sandstorm)

Mrotsdnas are a chaotic rabble of storms, they 
leap at high speeds, reaching up to 20,000 feet 
in height. As they jump, they will land onto 
others who cannot dodge in time, crushing 
them with their powerful feet, usually causing 
heavy injury or death. As their large hooked 
talons dig up loose sand and debris, new smaller 
Mrotsdnas are formed, growing as they absorb 
more sand. 

Mrotsdnas are very curious and will poke 
their nose into everything, even lungs, which 
the smaller ones will get into by the draw of 
a breath. Those who make the mistake will 
die, as it is difficult to jump back out with the 
breath, often collapsing as they are not able 
to keep up their form once they stop moving. 
Mrotsdnas as well as curious, are also very 
careless, breaking property that are too delicate 
for the jabbing and clawing as they inspect the 
items they can get at.
Inspiration Details

The jumping and not flying characteristic of the Mrotsdnas comes from the sandstorm being on ground but 
still able to reach great heights in the sky. The feet and claws are based off Ostrich feet, which are tough and 
powerful with the long claws which come from the sandstorms ability digs up further sand and debris as it 
sweeps across the landscape. The overall look for the Mrotsdnas are Roadrunners and Desert Hopping Mice, 
who are both desert animals that run and hop a lot respectively. The beak is based off a Gila Woodpecker 
which reflects the sandstorms ability to get sand and dust into small corners and cracks. I designed the 
tail based on the Kangaroo because it is a good balancing as well as increasing speed. Their eyes are are 
based off the Camel who have long eyelashes and a third eyelid that provide protection against the sand.
Mrotsdniw (The Windstorm)

Mrotsdniw come in large schools, playful storms, 
they like to tug at objects as they fly past or into. 
They tend to fly higher in the sky but occasionally 
they will fly lower to steal balloons and umbrellas. 
Some Mrotsdniw have developed a taste for hats, 
swooping down on loosely worn hats for a nibble. 

Mrotsdniw are generally peaceful, but there are 
some stronger ones that will pick up cars and 
trees to throw about. They will also knock over 
power-lines and bring Mrotsrednuht with them
Inspiration Details

The eyes are based off goats, because it reflects the winds cheeky playfulness. I designed the Mrotsdniw with 
a dog head because I imagined that they would be playful but they would be really clumsy like a big dog who 
still doesn't realise how much force it can have. The general body shape is based off a a fish, tail particularly 
a Merlin, which can generate a powerful jump. I gave it no maneuvering fins because winds usually go in 
a straight line until it hits something and redirects or in Coriolis effect, caused by the earths rotation.
Mrotseci (The Icestorm)

Mrotseci are small, sluggish and full of 
water, drifting down from the sky on 
cold, wet days. Floating around hunting 
for electricity and heat, they also have a 
taste for last breaths, licking the small 
wisps from outside. They have tiny scales 
in their fins that cling and freeze onto 
anything they touch. When they run 
out of scales they will begin to fall and 
then burst as their main body touches 
a foreign object. 

Mrotseci are the most dangerous storm 
to humans because despite their gentle, 
slow swimming, their scales freeze on 
top of the roads which become too slick 
for driving. Their taste for electricity 
and heat cuts out the power in houses 
can cause hypothermia.
Inspiration Details

The body of the Mrotseci is based off a water balloon, as a means to spread frozen water as it lands. The 
general body shape is similar to a floating goldfish, which is quite peaceful looking to reflect storms 
mild rain. The head and eyes are based off a dolphin because they generally look friendlier and give the 
appearance that they are friendly, like how people underestimate the ice storm ability to cause harm.
Mrotserif (The Firestorm)

Mrotserif come in hungry swarms during 
hot and dry places and seasons. They are 
ruthless and selfish, aiming to eat whatever 
they can reach with their tongues, pulling 
the item back into their stomachs, but the 
fire in their stomach consumes the objects 
so fast they remain hungry permanently. 
They produce a gas from burning that will 
choke the life out of all the living beings 
within miles. If they stop eating the fire 
will consume the Mrotserif from the inside 
out. Their tongue will ignite the items 
they touch and if they drop the item, it 
will grow into a small Mrotserif. 

Mrotserif are dangerous because their 
swarm will move very quickly in search 
of new food. Their speed causes a self 
sustained wind system, drawing in air 
and pulling objects towards the swarm 
enabling them to grow.
Inspiration Details

The head is based off a Chameleon, with its ability to shoot at objects with its tongue and drag it 
back in, it is also for the fact that the firestorm will start generating its own wind system. Fire 
never stops until it runs out of fuel, which is why I designed the stomach to contain a fire, it is like 
a metabolism burning forever and all the Mrotserif can do is drag on its existence. The Mrotserif 
is very small which is to represent how big fires can start from a little spark. The reverse claws 
and arms are based off how once there is a fire starting, it will not stop without a fight.
Mrotsliah (The Hailstorm)

Mrotsliah are formed high up in cold clouds, 
their sizes depending on the temperature 
and liquid content. Generally peaceful, they 
flit through the sky dropping hail formed 
from their bubble of water and tongue. 
When they form in larger sizes, their hail 
are also larger. As they run out of water in 
their bubble, they become fragile and will 
shatter with the slightest touch.

Mrotsliah are relatively less dangerous, 
but they can cause roof damage and larger 
Mrotsliah can kill smaller animals.
Inspiration Details

Mrotsliah have the same tail as Mrotsrednuht and Llecrepus because hail can be caused when its cold 
and raining, so instead of raining it hails. The water bubble is based on a Surinam Toad who keeps her 
eggs inside her back until they hatch. The hailstorm has high water content and the cloud is below 
freezing, so the Mrotsliah was designed with a water based body type and a fish-like appearance. The tube 
tongue is based off the chinese lucky toad water fountain because it would generate water and make 
hail for the storm, instead of thinking of the hail as the creatures, it would be the Mrotsliah making hail. 
Three pairs of arms are just practical purposes, they would let the Mrotsliah throw out hail faster.
Mrotsrednuht (The Thunderstorm)

Mrotsrednuht are a social group of storms that gather on warm 
humid days. They usually come in large swarms, sometimes 
alongside other swarms or storms. Mrotsrednuht come in 
many sizes, usually growing as they gather, absorbing moisture 
in the air. They swoop and writhe in the air screeching and 
howling, yet never touching despite being blind. 

Being able to shoot lightning from their mouths, Mrotsrednuht 
occasionally hit objects on the ground by accident, causing 
fires, power surges and shock-wave damage.
Inspiration Details

Similarly to the Llecrepus, the Mrotsrednuht is based off the chinese dragons. The chinese use dragon 
bones as a medicine, but they are actually dinosaur bones, dinosaurs have three claws, which i used for 
the Mrotsednuht claws. The concept of blindness and howling is from Bats, even thought bats are not 
blind, they navigate in the dark. When animals evolve in pitch black environments they eventually become 
blind and lose the need for eyeballs, hence end up with closed eyesockets. I designed Mrotsrednuht with 
closed eyesockets because they would be inside the dense storms with little view of the outside light so 
communication with their eyes and bodies would be difficult since their swarm characteristic was social.
Tsrubnwod (The Downburst)

Tsrubnwod are competitive storms, they gather 
in herds with the Mrotsrednuht and challenge 
other storms into diving matches. This involves 
dropping at the ground then pulling back inches 
from hitting. They will keep competing until 
there is only one left.

Tsrubnwod become dangerous to aircraft that are 
landing or taking off due to the strong winds they 
cause as they fall. Their falling speed can reach 
up to 150 miles per hour, producing damages 
similar to Odanrot.
Inspiration Details

The concept is based on horse because they are used in horse races and many competitive sports. 
The downburst is a storm with strong downward wind, which is why I used Falcon wings for the 
Tsrubnwod, Falcons will dive at high speeds to catch their prey, except the Tsrubnwod wouldn't stop 
in midair. Their wispy fish tails are influenced by how downbursts sometimes has rain, and when its 
strong downward rain, it would sound more like a bucket of water being poured down, the Tsubnwod 
would swim with this tail up through the downwards bucket of water and diving to become part of it.
Phenomena - A Bestiary of Storms

Phenomena - A Bestiary of Storms

This is my final year project, which the goal was to design and illustrate a publication. The type of publication I chose to do was a bestiary, a Read More
