
There are varieties of positions that a baby can present in termed as Malpresentation or Breech.
- Baby has a body part other than its head presenting into the pubic outlet such as the face, brow, or shoulder
- Complete breech: flexed thighs and flexed legs.
- Frank breech: legs extended upwards.
- Footling breech: the feet are above the cervix

If you're baby is presenting in any of these positions, Acupuncture and Moxabustion can help!

A Chinese Medicine View
We view the root cause of a malpresentation or breech baby as a deficiency of Kidney energy. Our Kidneys house our pre-natal qi (genetics), they store our essence and govern reproduction. Having a Kidney deficiency can be caused by a multitude of activities such as lifestyle, excessive sexual activity or excess childbirth as well as congenitally.

Treating Breech
My own clinical experience as well studies from China, confirm a high success rate with the simple treatment of applying Moxabution (a Chinese medicine herb) to an Acupuncture point BL-67. During treatment you will be shown how to locate this point, as well as be treated with Moxa and sent home with homework to do it yourself for 10 days or until your baby has flipped. Along with using the Moxa technique, you'll receive an acupuncture treatment focused on nourishing the Kidney Qi. In addition to your Moxa homework you'll be given advice on other methods to try at home to further support your baby into a head down position.

Is it Safe?
Yes! Because Acupuncture is supporting your body's own natural healing process, it cannot force things. Because of this, if there is a reason unknown to us as to why your baby is not positioned correctly, the technique simply will not work and baby will not flip.

When to get treatment
As soon as you find out! The more room your baby has to flip the better the odds are that they will turn. Often women come for treatment between their 34-36 weeks which is optimal timing but babies have turned even later at 38-39 weeks. There's no harm in trying!



Specialty in Traditional Chinese Medicine to treat Breech facing baby during pregnancy.
