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Short Script Sample

Leaving on a Mission
Opening text:
The day begins with a mission. Prince Narahad and his two friends, a witch named Circe, and a half-wizard named Tryp, make their way to the Golden Alliance headquarters. The task before them is not an easy one, for they must convince the Alliance members to open relations with the rulers of the human kingdom of Kalvee- something which has never been accomplished before. A complicated history of war has left the human and magic-user, or mage, sides divided. Those beings gifted with magic have no desire to interact with humans, and the humans, who have suffered greatest from the effects of their long-waged battles with the mages, have no desire to seek help from their former enemies. It’s up to Narahad, the new heir to the throne, to make peace with the mages- and hopefully form an Alliance stronger than ever.
A quiet garden with a stone-covered circle in the middle. Rose bushes and lush green plants line the sides near the castle walls. In the center is a small pond, home to some large orange fish.
NARAHAD enters from one of the doors leading out of the castle. He is a dark-haired man in his early twenties. He wears a green tunic and brown trousers, and he carries a large sword with a golden hilt at his belt.
CIRCE follows Narahad into the courtyard, along with TRYP. Circe is an 18-year-old witch wearing a dark red dress. She carries a wand tucked into a sash around her waist. TRYP is half-wizard, half-human. He has shaggy hair, most of which is tied behind his head at his neck. He carries a wooden staff with a large green glass orb clutched in a three-claw grasp at the top. Once they are in the center of the courtyard, Tryp raises his staff, and the orb glows bright with light. SHARLAY, a small red dragon, appears in the air above them. After she is summoned, she lands by the pond and promptly sticks her nose in the water.
(with a thick accent)
‘Ey! Get outta dere!
Guess Sharlay wanted a snack before we hit the sky?
(growling and waving his staff at the dragon)
A told ya “OUT!”
Sharlay blows a puff of smoke in Tryp’s direction and backs away from the pond, sitting down and staring longingly at the fish.
(patting Tryp’s shoulder)
I’m sure Zarah will appreciate you saving her fish. Are we ready to go now?
Tryp moves over to lay a hand over Sharlay’s muzzle. The dragon greets him with a strong lick of her tongue, effectively knocking him over.
(trying not to laugh, but failing)
Tough love!
Tryp scowls at her and picks himself up, brushing himself off.
Ca’m  on. Let’s just go awready!
He climbs up onto the dragon, and Circe gets behind him, followed by Narahad.
I can’t believe she’s big enough to carry three people already. Not long ago, she could only fit two!
(as he pats Sharlay’s neck affectionately)
She’s growin’ fast...but she still won’ talk ta me!
Sharlay raises her head and snorts, giving a raptor-like screech.
Well, she’s still young, right? I don’t know much about dragons, but if she can talk, I think she’ll do it when she’s ready.
(shoving Tryp playfully from behind)
Let’s just hope she doesn’t end up talking like you, weirdo!
(pushing her back)
Betta “weird” like me den annoyin’ like ya! Ca’m on, Sharlay. Let’s get outta ‘ere.
Sharlay bellows and begins flapping her wings, lifting them up into the sky. Narahad looks down, watching the castle grow smaller and smaller beneath them.
We see SHARLAY flying down to land in a clearing with TRYP, CIRCE, and NARAHAD on her back. Once the dragon is on the ground, her three passengers dismount and take a few steps in the direction of the forest. Circe frowns at the trees doubtfully.
Are you sure this is the right place?
This is where my mother said to go. There should be an entrance to the headquarters around here, somewhere.
Oh, right, “divine intervention”...Think your angel mama can draw us a map?
If ya used ya head as much as ya mou’t, den maybe she wouldn’ haf ta.
(rounding on him angrily)
I wasn’t talking to you!
Stop fighting just for a little while, you two, and let’s try to figure this out together. The entrance to the Golden Alliance can’t be accessed by humans. Even with my angel blood, it might be hard for me to find. I’m going to need your help.
(waving her wand)
Well if you need a little magic, you brought the right witch. Which tree do you want me to torch first?
(with a voice between panicked and angry)
We didn’ come down ‘ere ta burn down da ‘hole forest! Put dat stick ‘way ‘nd let a real magic use’a show ya how ’t’s done.
Tryp waves his staff, and the green orb at the end begins to glow. It blinks steadily, reacting to the magic in the area. Tryp begins to walk close to the trees, holding up his staff and watching the orb for any change in the pattern. Circe, not to be outdone, lifts her wand as she walks in the opposite direction.
As if we’re going to wait for you to find it all on your own. You don’t get to take all the glory!
As long as we find the entrance, it doesn’t matter who does it. I’ll see if I can help, too…
Narahad sits down on the grass next to Sharlay and closes his eyes to concentrate. Tryp waves his staff near the dragon to dismiss her, and she disappears into the orb. As Circe and Tryp continue to examine the surrounding area, Narahad goes into a deep trance. In his head, we see a vision of the forest before them, but the colors are dull and muted. In the places where Tryp and Circe were last seen standing, there are bright glowing green lights representative of their magic. Narahad’s vision scans the trees around them, looking for a link between his friends’ magic and a larger source of light.
TRYP’s voice, outside the vision
Will ya quit followin’ me? Go look ova dere!
CIRCE’s voice, outside the vision
I’m NOT following you! My wand’s telling me to go this way!
In Narahad’s vision, we see strings of green light connecting Circe’s and Tryp’s magic to a pair of trees further into the forest. Narahad takes a moment to confirm the trees’ location before opening his eyes. The scene returns to normal as we see Narahad stand up and approach his friends.
I think I know where the entrance is now! I could sense your magic connecting to two trees down that way. Let’s walk a little and see if we can spot anything.
Narahad leads the way through the forest as Circe and Tryp follow him with their wand and staff raised. As the trio approaches the trees identified in Narahad’s vision, Tryp’s green orb and  the tip of Circe’s wand begin to glow brighter.
Hey, this must be it!
Dey just look like regula ol’ trees ta me.
Narahad approaches one of the trees and places a hand on it.
There must be some way to reveal the entrance. Could you two try sending magical energy from your weapons? Tryp, you aim for this tree, and Circe, target the one over there. I think since this place is only for mages, you two should be able to open the door.
Step aside!
Don’t ya dare “torch” ‘t!
Circe ignores him and begins muttering under her breath. The tip of her wand sparks and a stream of white magic leaves the wand and hits the tree. Tryp follows suit with the tree on the opposite side. Suddenly, the trees begin to move. Narahad takes a step back as he watches the branches above him intertwine and twist together to form an arch. There is a glow of dark purple over the newly-formed doorway and a portal opens before the trio.
We did it! We actually did it!
(with a scoff)
Ya taught we wouldn’?
Well, that was the first time I’ve ever helped open a mage’s door, so I say “good work.” Come on, let’s hurry before it closes.
Narahad, Circe, and Tryp EXIT through the door and with a blink, the shimmering surface of the portal suddenly disappears, revealing nothing but forest again.

Short Script Sample

Short Script Sample

A short excerpt from a chapter of the fantasy story, Kirk, written in script format.


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