Fertility with Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)
We believe in quality, not quantity. 
Everyone's fertility is unique. There are multiple different patterns that can show up in ones cycle to show an imbalance. A great way to demonstrate this is with the Basal Body Temperature Chart (BBT). This is the act of taking your temperature first thing in the morning before movement at the same time everyday and charting it. A woman's basal body temperature will rise after she has ovulated and begins to produce progesterone. The cervix changes position throughout the cycle as well as discharge will change for optimal fertility. A BBT chart is a great tool to use to observe the cycle for pinpointing subtle nuances with a TCM practitioner, as well as for conception purposes.
Hormones Throughout The Menstrual Cycle
Example of a Normal BBT Chart and Traditional Chinese Medicine Pattern
A Traditional Chinese Medicine View
When treating fertility the cycle is broken down into four main stages. The menstrual phase, the follicular phase, ovulation and the luteal phase. In Western medicine there is a delicate balance of hormones flowing throughout these phases, in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) there is a flow of balance with the yin and yang. Although Eastern and Western medicine don't always translate directly with each other, the hormones and differentiations are easily analyzed and categorized to fit a TCM pattern.
Menstrual Phase
During the menstrual phase your body is releasing your old lining and hormones are beginning a new cycle, the first day of bleeding is deemed as Day 1. Here we can asses how thick your lining is building depending on the bleeds length and volume. In Traditional Chinese Medicine at this time we treat to encourage the complete discharge of the menstrual blood so there is no tissue left behind. This is optimal for a new lining to grow. 
Follicular Phase
Next, focus is on the follicular phase of the cycle. In terms of nourishing fertile potential, this is the most important phase. This is when the the follicular stimulating hormone (FSH) is secreted, and follicles are developing to produce an egg. Oestrogen levels are growing as the follicles develop and the lining is starting to build and prepare for implantation. The Kidneys in Chinese Medicine are very important for fertility. They store the pre-natal Qi our genetics, they store our essence and govern reproduction. TCM breaks the reproductive process into 2 basic components, Kidney yin, and Kidney yang. The yin very much so mimics Western Oestrogen where as the yang mimics Progesterone. The follicular phase is dominated by Kidney Yin, Acupuncture and herbal treatments given at this time are to ensure follicular development for quality eggs, as well as to nourish and build the uterine lining. Depending on what is going on with each individual, there can be fluctuations in the follicular development, some developing too quickly having a short follicular phase, while others take too long showing a long follicular phase. These variations with the cycle are not ideal for fertility and can be regulated with Acupuncture and Herbal treatments.

Once there is a dominant follicle, Oestrogen levels will be high and will trigger the release of the Luteinising hormone (LH). This hormone causes the last little maturation of the dominant follicle and then an egg is released. LH is the hormone an Ovulation Predictor Kit (OPK) is testing for. Western Medicine offers a variety of medications to treat problems with Ovulation. Clomid to encourage follicular growth, Metformin to try to regulate the cycle, HCG to induce ovulation, or Prometrium to induce menstruation, all with potential negative side effects. So far there are no Western Medical treatments effective to encourage implantation. TCM views ovulation and implantation as a very important part of the cycle. The Yin is transforming into Yang and it is imperative the the Qi in the body flow smoothly and the mind be calm. The two main organs to be nourished at this time are the Heart which dominates the mind, and the Liver to ensure the free flow of Qi within the body. TCM has been found to help regulate all different patterns associated with infertility, with no negative side effects. People can present with infertility of unknown cause. As according to Western medicine, everything checks out normal for both partners. This is where TCM is beneficial, it can pinpoint subtle imbalances to make a diagnosis, potentially with a disharmony around Ovulation and implantation.
Luteal Phase                                                                                                             After the egg is released, what is left behind forms the corpus luteum. This breaks down and produces Progesterone which is the dominating hormone during this phase of the cycle. In TCM we believe it is the Kidney Yang that dominates this part of the cycle. It is important to have a stable Luteal phase to support a pregnancy. If this phase is too short, often pregnancy will not occur and if the Yang is too weak a pregnancy can result in miscarriage.Treatments with TCM in this phase are to support the Kidney Yang as well as potential early pregnancy. For a more detailed description of early pregnancy treatment please reference Miscarriage.

Commonly Treated Disorders
  • Menstrual Irregularities
  • Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)
  • Endometriosis
  • Amenorrhoea, the absence of menstruation
  • Dysmenorrhoea, painful menstruation
  • Premature Ovarian Failure (POF)
  • Poor Follicular Quality
  • Oestrogen imbalance
  • Progesterone imbalance
  • Male factor Infertility, Sperm Issues


Intra Uterine Insemination (IUI) and In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)
Always with Traditional Chinese Medicine a diagnosis will be made specific to the individual. Two people with the same Western diagnosis, do not always share the same TCM pattern and will be treated individually. It is always recommended to see a professional and get assessed as to what it going on particularly with you and your cycle. With that said, there have been many trials and studies performed on the benefits of Acupuncture and Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART). It has been proven time and again to the benefits of receiving Acupuncture treatment with specifically designed protocols during IUI and IVF sessions. A study published in one of the most prestigious medical journals in reproductive medicine demonstrated that women undergoing Acupuncture treatments had an increase in ongoing pregnancy rates of over 60%, compared to control subjects who did not receive Acupuncture.

When to get treatment
It is advised to book in for an appointment so a consultation can be done and a plan individualized to you can be made. Often treatment to optimize fertility, depending on diagnosis, is recommended weekly for 3 months.

For an IUI, as it is very similar to a natural cycle, treatments are recommended weekly during the IUI cycle and a pre IUI treatment done within 24 hours of your appointment. During this pre IUI, protocol points will be used and treatment will be focused on relaxing the mind and body,

With IVF, it is always recommended to consult with your practitioner to discuss what treatment outline will be most beneficial for you. Typically once medications are started usually 2 weeks leading up to your IVF menstrual cycle, treatments will be done weekly. A pre transfer 60 minute treatment is done up to 24 hours before the transfer, protocol points will be used and treatment will be focused to help relax the body and mind. After the transfer a post transfer treatment is done for 30 minutes to assist implantation. There is also often benefit in doing a post retrieval treatment to help decrease any inflammation that may have been caused from the retrieval process.
