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Atypical Cape Cod Winter

Cold Storage beach in Dennis, MA is by far our favorite beach to hang out at in the summer. Not as much fun in -20 degree wind chills. This was the first shot I took after figuring out that my camera, which had been acting up all day, was rejecting my SD card. The complete horror I was feeling that A) my camera was busted and B) that I had lost 3 locattions worth of shots made this excursion less fun than it could have been.
I was pretty happy with the snow globe effect here. I was surprised I got anything in focus here as the wind was brutal.
Sticks. As a warning to everyone who goes out and shoots pics, if you pull over to take a picture make sure there's not a Dump Truck with a snow plow bearing down on you from behind. Things can get dicey. Luck was on my side this time...this time.
The top of a snow fence. I thought it looked like a fish bone from an old cartoon. I love old cartoons.
6 people shooting the sunrise and I was the only guy shooting the reflection.
Swan River in Dennisport is where I spent my vacaions as a child. I can shoot here all day, any weather, and still feel like that little kid the whole time.
The sun had just started to put out those golden colors when I shot this from the car. The guy in the car trying to get by me had some choice words. Some people don't understand artists.
Ice blocks as big as coffee tables, as far as the eye can see. I would have loved to see the event that shattered a 3 foot deep ice shelf into these massive blocks. If the weather doesn't change, these may be here in July.
I trekked into someone's back yard to get this. The house wasn't plowed so I assume no one was home. Don't tell anyone.
Atypical Cape Cod Winter

Atypical Cape Cod Winter

It isn't often that I have the opportunity to shoot Cape Cod under a foot of snow, so when the chance hit I was on it. Usually the amount of snow Read More
