Studio Fondue's profile

Adventures of Scottie (Demo Game)

The Adventures of Scottie is the working title for our pet game project.
Our inspirations for 'Scottie are found in the Japanese Visual Novel format,
as well as choice-driven narrative games in the vein of Bethesda,Bioware
and Telltale Games.
The game features a heavy focus on story, which is communicated through cutscenes,
environmental art and character dialogue. Your choices of what to say and do will have
effects, both visible as well as less obvious ones, on the final outcome.
You play as international art thief Wallis "Scottie" Campbell,who is trying to
rebuild her business reputation after the mysterious disappearance of her
uncle and mentor, Wallace Sr. 
Working with Scottie is her ever-loyal pilot,
chauffeur, assistant and friend, Fredi. 
Based on the Japanese 'Visual Novel' format,
characters appear onscreen and communicate
through dialogue boxes, as well as portraits
which change to reflect their current expression. 
For the environments we used a graphic novel style,
with bold lines and heavy use of black.
Player choice drives the narrative and so different actions will branch
into different endings, and bad decisions may lead to a failed job.
Our brief 3-minute demo has 5 possible endings, and the player receives
the related stamps on the ending screen. We also use these as promotional
material at conventions, printing the stamps out as stickers and giving them
to players depending on the ending they reach.
If you'd like to try out our demo adventure you can... soon!
We're working on polishing it up and will provide a link to it here once it's online.
If you're interested, you can follow our news blog or development blog.
Thanks for looking!
Adventures of Scottie (Demo Game)

Adventures of Scottie (Demo Game)

The Adventures of Scottie is the working title for our pet game project; an international heist game set in the early 50's, focusing on player ch Read More
