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The Value of Women / Documentary

Bánh Trôi Nước
The Value of Modern Vietnamese Women

This documentary reflects the social prejudices & standards that weight down on modern Vietnamese Women from ancient time to modern days. It is also about how young Vietnamese Women response to these ancient standards, specifically: 
virginity, appearance & social standards of a "good" woman.

The concept: Value of Vietnamese Women in modern days. 

The representation image:   Bánh Trôi Nước 
Bánh Trôi Nước is a Vietnamese glutinous rice cake that is used to imply the representation of Vietnamese Women, portrayed in the most famous poem – “Bánh Trôi Nước” (early 1800s) by renowned poet Ho Xuan Huong (1772-1822).

The poem in Vietnamese & English translation:
              Thân em vừa trắng lại vừa tròn, (She is white and pure, her fate,)
              Bảy nổi ba chìm với nước non.   (Rising and sinking like moutains in streams, )
              Rắn nát mặc dầu tay kẻ nặn,     (Whole or broken is in the hands of others, )
              Mà em vẫn giữ tấm lòng son.     (Yet she is still pure and true. )

Our purpose:
Through this film, we want to bring light to the new understanding of Vietnamese Women’s value
The Value that is not constrained within old standards & prejudices, but expands to the Women’s characteristics, lifestyle, independence and her own successes.

Whether it is still true or not that the Vietnamese Women’s Value is like what Ho Xuan Huong had described in her poem: 
sinking or rising, whole or broken is decided by others? 

Quốc Hy Director & Editor
Mai Anh / DOP, Concept & Screenwriter
Bảo Ngọc / Producer & Sound Editor
Minh Đức / Cameraman & Colorist

The Value of Women / Documentary

The Value of Women / Documentary

This is a documentary asking modern Vietnamese women about the importance of virginity, appearance & social prejudices.
