Camp Passtime is a summer camp for children that began in Blacksbury, VA, and has now expanded to Colorado and Maine. It's main goal is to encourage children growing up in the 21st Century to play as past generations once did, through exploration of the outdoors. Demonstrating various activities that each generation partook in shows the children of this day and age that there is more to life than playing video games and watching TV. Once a child is registered, they recieve a package in the mail with hopes of getting them excited about trying something new and out of their comfort zone. In the box shown below, is a poster, t-shirt, and brochure explaining everything there is to know about Camp Passtime.
Camp Passtime Web Pressence
T-Shirt Design
Brochure Demonstration
Back of Brochure
Inside of Brochure
Camp Passtime

Camp Passtime

Camp Passtime is a summer camp that teaches kids to play like past generations and explore the outdoors.


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