Vitor Rocha's profile

Character Concept: Anne and Shakti Anne

Marie Anne
An unused character in my final project, therefore this image is unfinished and just a concept but I decided to share it to give context to the following images.
Anne is a heavy magic user with the following stats:
Magic Power:++++++++
Magic Defense:++++++

Marie Anne is highly intelligent with the role of damage dealing spellcaster. Her magical power and resistance are over the top in comparison to Winnfield or Emily while her physical abilites and agility are somewhat lacking.
Marie Anne's Ultimate: Parvati.exe

Physical and Magic defense as well as healing abilities vastly increased.
3 extra Arms for casting various types of magic simultaneously and 1 arm with a shield.
Great for multi-tasking.

Parvati is the Hindu goddess of love, fertility and devotion, as well as the mother goddess of Hinduism. Wife of the god Shiva, she is the motherly and nurturing side of the goddess Shakti.

Unlike my other characters who only have one transformation skill, Anne has two. This form represent Anne's caring and protective side of hers, improving her defensive abilities as well as her healing skills.
Marie Anne's Ultimate: Kali.exe

Attack, and agility vastly increased while magic drops to near zero.
4 extra Arms for more efficient kickass-ery.
Highly improved movement speed.

Kali is the Hindu goddess of time, change and destruction. Also associated with empowerment, the is the violent side of the goddess Shakti (one of the many aspects of Parvati). When the former was fighting the Asuras, the summoned Kali and defeated the Asura's army in an instant.

Unlike my other characters who only have one transformation skill, Anne has two. This more aggressive form represents her latent violent and vengeful urges which the tries to surpress. Even though she despises this side of hers, Anne is willing to use this ability if it is really needed.
Character Concept: Anne and Shakti Anne

Character Concept: Anne and Shakti Anne

Concepts for an unused character in a previous project.
