The story centres around Anna, a young girl who has suffered mental trauma and now interacts with the world around her as if she is operating it through a touchscreen device. 
The block of text is made up of sentences or key words from the story itself, and is arranged and moves like a typical article would on a small device. It does not read like a portion of text though, it is fragmented and dispersed to replicate her own mental state.
As the user scrolls down the text, it pauses now and then to show the main characters, and then finally the program name and its creator. The actors' names are made up of combinations of some of my friends, which I felt would give it a personal touch, and be less tacky than filling them with well known stars.
The music is a cover of Lady Gaga's 'Born This Way', performed by Ulrik Munther. I chose the song because at one point in the story, Anna begins to sing it quietly to herself, and the lyrics are suitably some apt.


A first-year task at university was to make a short opening sequence to a proposed television series based on a short story called 'iAnna'.
