Karin Schminke's profile

Series: Open Space

Open Space
Mixed Media Art on Aluminum Panel by Karin Schminke
Natural environments are shrinking. Easy access tounadulterated natural lands is becoming rare. At the same time we live inincreasingly congested spaces, work in crowded offices, and drive on busyroads. We are bombarded by sound and visuals. Multitasking is expected. Tosurvive the modern world, we crave a mental break. We crave Open Space.
Suggesting remembered open vistas, this work provides asense of security and serenity. Intricate texture, patterns and reflectionsmesmerize. Intended to relax and invite contemplation and meditation, the worksmirror both real and imagined, precious and fragile Open Space.
Much is left undefined. Tensions permeate: realism vs. abstraction, organic vs. geometricform, and deep vs. flat space. These ambiguities are central to creating aspace into which the viewers can bring their own shifting visions of, anddesires for, Open Space.
Beyond the Blue
30 x 40 inches
Pigment ink, rice paper, acrylics on aluminum
Close Going
48 x 32 inches
Laser-etched rice and handmade papers, acrylics on aluminum panels

Copse 2 (Sunrise)
32 x 36 inches
Pigment ink, mixed media on aluminum panel

Copse 1 (Hoarfrost)
32 x 36 inches
Pigment ink, mixed media on aluminum

Evening Blues
32 x 36 inches
Pigment ink, paper, acrylics on aluminum panel
Everly Evening
32 x 36 inches
Pigment ink and acrylics on aluminum panel

32 x 36 inches
Pigment ink, paper, acrylics on aluminum panel

Four Square
32 x 32 inches
Pigment ink, acrylics, paper on aluminum panel

Lingering Light
40 x 32 inches
Pigment ink, rice paper, acrylics on
aluminum panel

Long Area of Light
40 x 24 inches
Pigment ink, rice paper, acrylics on aluminum panel

Marble Rock
48 x 24 inches
Pigment ink and acrylics on aluminum panel

Study for Open Space
12 x 18 inches
Pigment ink and acrylics on aluminum panel

State of Mind
48 x 40 inches
Pigment ink, paper, acrylics on aluminum panel

Strait View
36 x 36 inches
Pigment ink, rice paper, acrylics on
aluminum panel

Study in White (January 10)
40 x 32 inches
Pigment ink, paper, acrylics on aluminum panel

36 x 36 inches
Pigment ink, paper, acrylics on aluminum panel

Verdant Vista
32 x 36 inches
Pigment ink, mixed media on aluminum

Series: Open Space

Series: Open Space

Work in this gallery are from an on going series called "Open Space".
