This is concept cover for the book 'A Clockwork Orange'. I wanted to incorporate the main imagery I saw from the movie, which was milk, blood and the outline of the character Alex, played by Malcolm McDowell. The horizontal lines are inspired by the end credits from the movie too, which showed a sequence of red, green, blue and pink squares. I decided to change it to different shades of orange to fit in with the name of the book.
This is my hypothetical cover for Vladimir Nabokov's popular novel Lolita. The novel revolves around an older man becoming obsessed and eventually sexually involved with a 12 year old girl. I wanted a girly, childlike influence on the cover, this is apparent with the pink background, playful font, and poorly cut out heart shaped glasses. After looking at various covers for this book, I saw that heart shaped glasses and heart shaped lollipops were a popular choice, which made me decide to include the glasses. 
Unlike the previous two, I intended this design to be a cover for a graphic novel. Sweeney Todd is the main character in the penny dreadful 'The String of Pearls'. After watching the film, which was directed by Tim Burton, I've always wanted to use the character in a graphic novel, and for years I've been toying with the idea. Perhaps this will be the start.
Book Cover Designs

Book Cover Designs

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