For this course, I was to create an accessory piece for a home that was promising in terms of functionality, form and design.
Mitochondrion is one of the organelles in a cell of an organism. It is unique due to its characteristics and shape and is known as the power house of the cell. 

I found the shape of the inner membranes quite interesting and decided to integrate the form of the organelle. 
Just as the mitochondrion is the power house of the cell, so to books are the power houses of knowledge. This is where I got my inspiration from.
Bookrack Dimensions- 3 feet long and 1 foot tall
Cad drawing for the 1:1 scaled mode
Materials: Flexiply, Ms sheet for the inner bends and wood finished laminate
Final Product/Bookrack
Final Product/Bookrack
Accessory Design

Accessory Design

For this course, I was to create an accessory piece for a home that was promising in terms of functionality, form and design.
