Initial ideas of what the 'pod' could look like and some ideas for possible features.
Initial ideas.
Initial ideas. 
Development of two initial ideas. I prefered these shapes to others however I wasn't sure that they would work in a household, especially the curved 'pod'. Being that shape would create less space and it wouldn't be able to easily fit against a wall or in a corner. 
CAD model using Sketch Up of the first developed idea. I added colour to define seating etc. 
CAD model using Sketch Up of the second developed idea. 
I chose the octangonal shaped 'pod' and my final design. I researched how I could produce the basic structure, what joints, materials I should / could use. 
I went on to develop the octagonal shape, thinking that it could be unecessary as a similar look could be achieved with a hexagonal shape. 
CAD model of hexagonal 'pod'.
Final design for the 'pod' shape. I developed the hexagonal shape further, elongating two sides and the ones above them didn't need to be equal in lenngth. This gave more room for seating. 
CAD model of final 'pod' shape. 
I drew a net on 2D design of the basic structure, using the same measurements scaled down. I cut it on the laser cutter. This model demonstrated the importance of angles in the joints and without them the shape wouldn't be achievable. 
The finished eclosed seating space. 

I stuffed the seating area to make ot comfortable and decided to cover the plywood with calico so that, astethically, it would fit into a room with furniture more. I chose a neutral colour so that it would work in any household, it it could be ordered a different colour if prefered. There is a fold up table and push lights. 
Closer view at the finished seating space. 
There are a few imporvements I would make to the final product, mainly increasing the privacy and having  a few more features. 


AS Level coursework project for Product Design. A3 sheets.


Creative Fields