This Project was an international competition that I took part in.
Inspiration was to be taken from the famous Japanese artist, ITO JAKUCHU and extended into the design of a product, furniture or art piece. 
ITO Jakuchu adored nature , which was evident from his paintings that portrayed animals and birds. 
ITO Jakuchu's Painting 
ITO Jakuchu's paintings were always detailed with intricate patterns. I took inspiration from the peacock feather 
Process- Transforming the form into an outdoor furniture seating 
Final Iteration
Outdoor public seating where people could sit and soak in the beauty of their surroundings and thus be in sync with nature. 
Creating a balance between nature and the artificial world
Public Seating

Public Seating

This Project was made for an international competition that I took part in. Inspiration was to be taken from the famous Japanese artist, ITO JAKU Read More
