Deep Ocean was inspired by barracudas and mechanizing a biological form into mechanical one. This drawing was done right after the Sky Whale and continues the exploration of giant marine forms and scale. Undersea creatures and landscapes would continue to be a source of inspiration for most of my drawings. Parts of the composition is also inspired by Lovecraft's brand of storytelling of cyclopean ruins in the ocean, where creatures from the stars once dwelled. I'm an avid Lovecraft reader and have always incorporated a sense of mystery and horror into my art.
I especially liked the filigree metalwork around the eye of the mechanical barracuda, to me it gives a sense of lightness to an otherwise dense and bulky form. I was drawing on steampunk inspirations for the way the barracuda was styled - I tried to imagine how parts such as the gill covers would work and placed bolts around the joints of the jaw. The best part is building the creature bit by bit until it seems convincing even though it is entirely fantastical!
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Deep Ocean

Deep Ocean

Deep Ocean was inspired by a mix of marine life, steampunk and Lovecraft's stories.
