Joan Balle Llabrés's profile

2.1.2 Sculptress house in Caldes d'Estrac

The second project of the semester, will continue the topic and the study of the place that the first one (Weaver's house) in Caldes d'Estrac (Catalunya). The structure as a way to learn how to project is going to mark the firsts steps of the project one more time.
This time the structure is going to consist in a framework method, that combined with the parts of the program we should afford, we can develope a complete project in terms of function and form.
Photography of the model - realized at scale 1|100
Ground floor
The relation between the interior courtyard and the big garden we had in the south of our plot is the high challenge. In urban facade (north), the workshop of the sculptress gets all the protagonism, letting the house zone be in the most relaxed space between those courtyards.
1st Flat Floor
An intense use during the day on the ground floor, is tranformed in a world of terraces and relax upstairs. The bedrooms and a little but comfortable loft in the workshop volume are the most important pieces in this plant, considering the pavilion near the beach as a puntual intervention.
3 volumes = 3 parts of the project = 3 different relations with the environment
Photography of the model - realized at scale 1|100
Urban relation
Considering the beach our south facade, this is translated in the project as a soft barrier done with the same grid that generates the project, and vegetation in the second plane. Afterwards, the north side, the relation with the neighbourhood is afford with the workshop volume, making the corner a powerful point of the street.
Elevation North Facade
Photographies of the model - realized at scale 1|100
Elevation South Facade
Section study
The different courtyards and strategys followed inside this grid generate 4 different cuts of the building in the cross (transversal) direction.
The way of enter to a house as a reflection of the place's knowledge.
A really shy hallway crossing under the loft of the workshop volume is transformed inside in the entrance with the interior courtyard as a protagonist in our right.
View inside our entrance hallway
Photography of the model - realized at scale 1|100
Longitudinal section study.
Relation between courtyards, elevations, exterior and interior, up and downstairs.
Filters as a support for light experience inside the building.
Study of the possibilities we have with this grid that we can reflex in the interior
Perspective of the interior
Living room zone, relation with the double space and the exterior garden of our plot.
Photography of the model - realize at scale 1|100
2.1.2 Sculptress house in Caldes d'Estrac

2.1.2 Sculptress house in Caldes d'Estrac

Sculptress House in Caldes d'Estrac Project developed: 1st semester - 2nd grade Workshop professors: Antonio Armesto Yolanda Ruiz
