The imaginary band Cyan has released a new album "Catch the ride" with 3 singles "Catch the ride", "Faded memories" and "Parallel lives".
This album revolves around the subject of dreams, a reflection of the person's unconcsious brought to consciousness.
The Following is the identity created for that band, album, 3 singles, teaser posters and promotional items based on the theme and genre of music (bluesy with a modern twist).
Dynamic band name based on simple letterforms with the addition of elements in music notation
All Possible Combinations
"Writing" the pattern based on music sheet of first single
For every note, its shape indicating its rhythm
The Birth of a new visual language representing the first single "Catch the ride"
1st single "Catch the Ride" Back cover
1st single Front Cover
2nd single "Faded Memories" visually written
2nd Single "Faded Memories" Back Cover
2nd single Front cover
3rd single "Parallel Lives" visually written
3rd Single "Parallel Lives" Back Cover
3rd single Front Cover
Poster 1 "Sometimes reality is imaginary"
Poster 2 "Sometimes The Universe can be Wandered"
Poster 3 "Sometimes you can dream with eyes wide open"
Poster 4 closeup "Sometimes colors can be heard"
Promotional Items: Shiny Cloth and Cube mirrors spelling out "CYAN"



This project is about branding a band's album release with its 3 singles
