A sick three-year-old girl from LA, was sent to live with her grandparents in rural China for a year in hopes that the change of environment would help restore her health. Her father dropped her off and stayed with her for few days but because of university, could not stay and watch over her recovery. Not knowing how to tell her he was leaving her, he waited for her to go outside to play. When she came back for a snack, he was gone.
This S/S knitwear collection reflects back to my year spent in China as a little girl, exploring the unfamiliar land around me, and submerging myself into a culture I was unable to experience in the states.  I took inspiration from the fluidity and layered imagery of the rice fields behind of my grandfather’s house, as well as the rich colors used in traditional Chinese garments such as the qi pao.
All About Mĭ (米-- phonetic script -- mĭ-- prounouced me is the chinese word for rice ) is all about comfort, all about attitude, and all about giving the new generation woman the confidence to pursue her aspirations, the energy to overcome obstacles, and adventure. 
Inspiration Board
Fabric Swatches
Machine Knit Fabric Swatches
All About Mĭ

All About Mĭ

Junior Design/ Draw Portfolio Project
