UBC Finder Map detail
The University of British Columbia is a ‘tier one’ research university with an enviable global reputation in academic achievement and research. A major aspect of UBC’s approach is ensuring that the wider
community has access to performances, exhibitions and events linked to faculty programmes.
Campus walking sign
The mixture of museums, arts and research venues provide a significant potential offer, but one that was not widely recognized by the public. UBC asked Applied to review wayfinding for the attractions and also review thinking on attraction promotion to address perceived problems.
Campus parking directions
Working closely with University departments and feeding in public opinion and holistic thinking, Applied developed a strategic plan that developed awareness, identity and navigation for the main Vancouver campus and its attractions. This plan proposed a multi-platform mapping solution that could unify the image of the campus, increase spatial understanding, allow the flexibility for planned development and include technological innovation.
Multi-modal transit diagram and walking maps
The strategic project united public affairs, campus planning, attractions and technical teams at UBC around a common purpose and led to the Executive decision for development and implementation by 2012/13. Applied were commissioned to design campus wide wayfinding signage, which comprised of a suite of signs and three map scales.
Campus Pylon detail
Destination UBC

Destination UBC

Wayfinding for a top Canadian university
