Decoding Y
Decoding Y is an infographic book designed to decipher the enigma generation of Millennials. The Millennial generation currently measures to nearly more than half of the world’s total population.
Millennials can be defined as people born between 1985 to 1995 and are currently in their late teens, twenties and early thirties. The reason this generation is different from others is that they have been associated with technology in someway or the other since birth and this had changed the way they perceive economy, politics, religion, marriage, social life and many other aspects of life. This makes Generation Y a hot target for brands that want to be successful in the future, since this generation will define consumer behavior and way of life in the years to come. 
Decoding Y

Decoding Y

"How Luxury Brands are Adapting to Connect with Millennials" was my major research topic. Based on this research topic, I created a series of inf Read More
