Kevin Hauff's profile

Radio Times: Christmas Edition.

Good Omens by Terry Pratchett & Neil Gaiman
A lovely commission for the Christmas edition of the Radio Times with a lead radio page image needed to accompany the highly anticipated first adaptation of the popular Good Omens by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman. A darkly comic apocalyptic tale about the birth of the son of Satan and the End of Days; where the angel Aziraphale and demon (Anthony J) Crowley intervene as they have become comfortable living on earth. A sub-plot also involves a maturing anti christ and the gathering of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. First published in 1990, Good Omens was critically acclaimed and has gained a dedicated following, listed number 68 in the BBC Big Read Survey. A movie adaptation planned by Terry Gilliam was in progress, but no recent news has surfaced as to whether it will ever make production.

This was a hugely enjoyable project, where the characters of Crowley and Aziraphale could be explored to the full. Being a lead radio page image it was slightly larger than the Radio Times corner page illustrations, so a perfect opportunity to really work into the image as little detail would be lost due to scaling down of the image for print.

A cracking project, and many thanks to the powers that be at the Radio Times for thinking of me for this superb commission - I look forward to the radio broadcast serial with great interest.

More info on the BBC, Radio 4 and Radio Times websites.
Drawing No 4 was chosen as it was less likely to be compromised by the magazine page gutter, although sketch No 1 remains a favourite as the scope to overlap the two characters had definite potential - could become an experimental piece!
Alternative colour ways were explored and eventually I settled on the blue / grey as it cast the best overall balance to push the figures forward. Black too obvious and the orange too optimistic!
(-:     Many thanks for taking the time to look through the project     :-)
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Radio Times: Christmas Edition.

Radio Times: Christmas Edition.

Illustration for the Radio pages of the Christmas edition of the BBC listings magazine Radio Times.
