Eric Dell'Orco's profile

Honey Bee Research Facility

 18x24 Graphite and Prismacolor Markers on Vellum
Manually rendered perspective drawing illustrating proposed building and site context
Interactive Sketchup Model
1/4" = 1'0" Basswood Model with 3d-Printed Trombe Wall
Roof Plan With Site Context
Diagrammatic representations of Trombe wall.
Traditionally, the trombe wall is a passive solar heating technique that takes advantage of thermal radiation released by the sun. The radiation passes through a layer of glazing and is accumulated in an intermediary air space. The thermal radiation heats the air, and then passes through a series of vents. Hot air is more buoyant and cold air is less buoyant; therefore, the hot air will pass through the top vents and the cold will pass through the low vents. As the hot air circulates through the home it will cool causing it to flow through the bottom vents. This cycle ensures a stable temperature and comfortable user experience. The main component of the trombe wall is the thermal mass (in this case concrete) which absorbs thermal radiation throughout the day and releases heat at night. This delay of convection is caused by thermal lag. The trombe wall used in this facility is multi-purpose it serves as a storage unit, light source, and heating agent.
Honey Bee Research Facility

Honey Bee Research Facility

Final project for ENVD 2120 (Justin Bellucci). A facility designed to host a honey bee researcher for a year that acts as a community space and p Read More
