Anastasia Victorova's profile

Instalation - Non-space

instalation/video 2'40
    It is not possible to call any art work finished when you are making it. You just decide that it is time to reveal it and let others explore it. The same happens with the journey, which never has an ending. Only if you set the place and time, where you are going to stop and look back on the path behind, the space of the journey will be created and turns solid, finished. Usually it is the point, when you start talking about it.
    When you stop for a moment wherever you are, you appear to be above all your journey, in the middle of the plain, with your eyes looking deep into the scenery, dreaming of the world without time, because you experience simultaneously everything.
    Sublime spirit is wrapped around you at this very moment. It helps you to travel in your stillness to the non-space where you are left with scared ego feeling of being an insufficient part of enormously big universe. But at the border, when you almost returned to your hibernating point, you feel the contemplation knowing that you had a unique chance to endure it.
    At this very moment you appear to be in the gap between reality, inside of it and yourself.
    The cinema creates this gap in a single room with the screen. Kant was talking about nature which is the portal to this space, but unlike Deleuze he had no chance to see any film. And Gilles Deleuze opens the cinema from philosophical point of view, showing that screening images are surreal and visible at the same time, so they easily let anyone to shift to the frozen non-place and attach to the sublime and your own journey.
    The atmosphere of the film ‘Individual non-place’ gently forces you to make a stop and look.
Many thanks:
Singer - Paulinna Saatsi
Dancer - Charles Reynolds
Composer - Bruno Coulais
Cameraman - Anastasia Victorova
Nowadays I am still testing the instalation, that is why I have no proper room to exhibit it.
Manchester, 2014
Instalation - Non-space

Instalation - Non-space

The short three screen film for the viewer to meet his own sublime on a field where he travels with the dancer's emotions.
