The final project for my Design & Communication class consisted ofĀ a brochure design, the topic couldĀ be a band/music artist or a social issue of the student's interest.
Presenting the brochure in print with its layout grid.

I developed this project using InDesign with an 8 column grid per page, 11 modules per column. The size of the brochure had to be A4 (when opened), so each page would be designed in A5.

On the inside there are two photos as background: the cover of U2's first album on the left and the cover from their latest album on the right. A linear gradient effect was applied to each of the photos to be able to work with text over them.
On the left we have a short description of the beginnings of the band, with text in one column (using 4 columns grouped from the original grid) and a small photo of U2 from that time period.
On the right there's a list of their discography with album covers included (each photo occupies 2 columns).

On the outside there's a photo of the band in a cartoon style with low opacity. On the foreground, a gameboard which forms the name of the band and presents the different stages of the band's career. The back cover includes some info about the band's involvement in political and social issues.


The layout grid for the brochure.
Brochure design

Brochure design

This brochure was the final project for my Design & Communication class.
