Modern Pomor tales. The Foxy Walrus and cloudberry

Pomor tale about The Foxy Walrus
and cloudberry
Story in short:

The Foxy Walrus swim to The Credulous Pomor. The Pomor tie up a deal with The Foxy Walrus. The Credulous Pomor gives all his cloudberry to The Foxy Walrus. All pomor gives all cloudberry to The Foxy Walrus. There is no cloudberry in pomor lands anymore. The Foxy Walrus run away with all pomors cloudberry. The big hand of The Governor rescue all Pomors. The end.

42 design commune — animation and illustration,
Nick Vymorkov — sound and music,
Nazar Onischuk — voice of the Storyteller,
Very Good production — the story and management.
Modern Pomor tales. The Foxy Walrus and cloudberry

Project Made For

Modern Pomor tales. The Foxy Walrus and cloudberry

Short cartoon about ABC of finance for government of Arkhangelsk region
