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How can poop power your car?

When asked to do a sell sheet around the new opportunities created by the RIN exchange, I had to do a fair bit of research and distilling of information in order to express a complex idea about monetizing the exchange of biofuel.

I proposed an accompanying infographic to help explain the market. I knew next to nothing about methane digestion or the RIN market, and I guessed that I wasn't alone.

The result--a collaboration between myself, a talented illustrator, creative director, and subject matter experts--was a lot of fun (it's about poop!), and I understand it's been pretty handy with clients. 

Below is a full-sized version of the graphic. Keep scrolling to view the complete sell sheet.
How can poop power your car?


How can poop power your car?

Making the complex simple: an infographic explains the basic idea around cow power and the RINs market.
