Flatpack is at the heart of modern day living. Anybody that has ever moved out of home, moved abroad, moved 
in with a loved one or just ‘fancied a cheap and cheerful change of decor’ will know those four very large, very 
yellow and very famous letters in the furniture world alphabet. They will also be very familiar with the perils of 
forgetting, misplacing or just not knowing where to put that all important screw thatseems to be the magic link that holds the whole piece of furniture together. 
Connect ‘5’ is just that; five pieces that all inter-lock without one single screw, hammer, nail, not even a dab of glue is required. The frame is made up of four pieces of plywood, all cut in varying angles so as to create a sense of intrigue from wherever it is viewed from. The toughened glass surface lies on top and stays in place with pre-placed silicone pads attatched to the frame. The glass top compliments the angles below, creating shadow and light to fall and creep around corners. It also allows for further design and colour to be implemented, using the edges of the plywood that face the glass, creating your very own Mondrian style coffee table
Connect 5

Connect 5

A minimilist approach to a modern day product
