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Twenty Thousand Leagues Cover and Spread

The concept of this cover was inspired by Peter Mendelsund who said a books cover should change with the reading of the book. I wanted to illustrate what would at first appear to be a simple, if mature, rendering of Captain Nemo. As the reader proceeded through the book and experienced the drastically contrasted interior illustrations they may realize that the Nemo on the cover is instead the younger Nemo, at the moment that transformed him into the man that would escape the world of man to the world of the sea.
The interior of the book is a more classical rendering of the novel. It is inspired by the pulp, young reader version of Jules Verne novels I grew up reading.A large chapter illustration is laid out classically to contrast the cover. The chapter illustration's is inspired by the work of Aubrey Beardsley.
Twenty Thousand Leagues Cover and Spread

Twenty Thousand Leagues Cover and Spread

A project aimed at exploring contrasting illustration styles for a popular young readers novel, "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under The Sea" by Jules Read More
