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Illustration/Infographic: City Bee

Urban Beekeeping is beekeeping that takes place in an urban environment. Once the pursuit of retired and middle-aged enthusiasts in the countryside, beekeeping has now become popular in cities such as New York and London. Bees are currently facing threats from many different sources, including pesticides and pollutants, habitat degradation, and parasites. Urban beekeeping provides the chance for individuals to learn about how to care for bees, and how to provide a better environment for bees and in turn human beings.

What is presented here is an educational, infomative piece consisting of an A6 accordion fold printed booklet that contains information and facts on one side together with a series of corresponding images that zoom out as we go along through the facts. The back of the booklet reveals the full Dublin city scene with bees and beehives.
The booklet details the plight of the bee currently and what the reader can do to help. The booklet is called Bee in the City and throughout it is playing on the verb 'to be'. In a gentle, friendly manner it is calling the reader to action with regard to the bee, for example: Bee Thankful, Bee Amazed, Bee Involved, etc. 
A6 accordion fold infographic brochure on urban beekeeping
Front of brochure
Inside panel 1
Inside panel 2
Inside panel 3
Inside panel 4
Inside panel 5
Inside panel 6
Back of the brochure
Section of the back of the brochure showing bees in Dublin city
Section of the back of the brochure showing bees in Dublin city
Section of the back of the brochure showing bees in Dublin city
Section of the back of the brochure showing bees in Dublin city
Full Dublin city scene
Illustration/Infographic: City Bee

Illustration/Infographic: City Bee

Urban beekeeping is beekeeping that takes place in an urban environment. Once the pursuit of retired and middle-aged enthusiasts in the countrysi Read More
