Vicky Pearson's profile

FAD Competition Work Part 2

FAD Competition - Zoology - Moodboard
Inital Designs Based on Genteics and Zoology
Initial ideas/designs inspired by bones. I created a repeat pattern using a long bone as my inspiration and created this detailed pattern from it. Long Bone inspiration down below VVVVVV
These are the three flat specs for the three chosen designs I have created from my inital designs...

Flat spec - Garment 1
Flat Spec - Garment 2
Flat Spec - Garment 3
Here are the three illustrations I have created based on my flat three final flat spec designs...

Illustration Design 1
Illustration Design 2
Illustration Design 3
FAD Competition Work Part 2

FAD Competition Work Part 2

FAD Competition Brief - Zoology theme
