Title: 'Combing hair'
Dim: 100x134 cm,  May 2012
Technique: silk-screen

The work demonstrates a character which is combing her hair.  The process of combing lies in an extended period of time, from birth to aging.  Is an simply utilitarian act that always accompanies us. An act related to the care of our image.
A dualism between an action and immutable human condition which varies in time. The report that we have with this tool ... the hands take the comb and begins to move up-down in silence. The process unfolds in the form of an illustration in FREMA, and includes 384 minimized figures. Work is performed on a blackboard printed in white., An inverse which makes the action more visible the varaible movements and smilies of the character.                                                                   
'Combing hair'

'Combing hair'

Title: 'Combing hair' Dim: 100x134 cm, May 2012 Technique: silk-screen The work demonstrates a character which is combing her hair. The pro Read More
