-Khhhhhhh! Tricks...or...treats!
-Oh,please master Vader,don't force choke me! I'll give you all candies I have!
-Don't be afraid...It's me,Markus. It's just a mask.
-That was close! I thought dark forces came for me. You really scared me. And you have your own AT-DP Walker! Nice one Mark.
How you control it?
-I don't. It's the real one,don't you see.
-It looks like one,for sure. Your father must be somewhere in the bushes with huge joystick. Tell him to come by later for beer. See you Mark...and to gain more candies you must!
Markus was occupied with his new candy loot. His basket was full of chocolates,gums and everything he could possibly like. Just to make plan how to hide all that from his mother. That was a lot of candy.
- I told you that Walker mask would fit you just fine. There is no way you could transform into R2-D2.
"Walker" moved his upper part covered with carton box with a creaking mechanical sound.
-I know you like Snickers,it's yours. Just play it cool and there will be a lot more for you. Come on now,i feel strong force coming from the next house!
The encounter


The encounter

2021. - New Age
