Fort Blocks
I spent one morning each week at the Cornell Childcare Center, learning about toddler culture and thinking about how the facility supported the kids' work, play, and class community. 8 weeks and 55 pages of field notes later, three big insights rose to the top:

Guardian > Peer Interaction
The toddlers interacted more with their teachers than with their peers. Most peer interactions quickly turned negative (ie. my toy!)

Kid-sized Spaces
When toddlers were in smaller, kid-sized spaces, they seemed to play more happily together.

Multipurpose Room
The multipurpose 'rainy day' play room in the Center failed to get toddlers moving, and lacked the excitement of the outdoor playground.
How could toddlers work together to create their own small play spaces?
Edge study model
A prototype helped me learn that the blocks would have to be strong (the kids destroyed this one!), holes need to be smaller, and handles aren't necessary because toddlers will grab it anywhere.
Fort Blocks

Fort Blocks

Fort Blocks is a modular building system that encourages toddlers to play with their peers. Many similar parts prevent toy-stealing and small kid Read More
