Rovio created a phenomenon when Angry Birds took the world by storm.  The characters within the mobile game were all lovable, including the antagonists, the Bad Piggies.  It was time for the birds to share the spotlight with their foes.
Prior to the release of it’s newest mobile app, Bad Piggies, Pilot was brought on to create the complete Brand, Marketing, and Consumer Product Style Guides.  Rovio recognized that a well structured licensing program will increase profits and protect the brand’s integrity and reduce pirating. Rovio was determined to meet the demands of their business partners and have concise brand guidelines to ensure consistency and quality.

Pilot broke out into two teams, one bucketed trends for artwork and the other was tasked with concepting and designing the thematic guide. A comprehensive trend study, identifying the key demographics and mood boarding artwork styles was done. Upon solidifying the direction Pilot began digging in and sketching art to fill the guide.
Simultaneously, the team created a workman’s manual themed guide to go along with the construction style game that, like Angry Birds, has a strong physics undertone. The design team began laying out and writing both guides. The inspirational guide was styled to mimic a mechanics manual with fun, quirky elements that exposed the personalities of the lovable pigs and truly felt on brand and motivating to the reader.
Pilot solely created on-trend and fashionable consumer product art for the target age demographic. Each trend clearly defined and consisted of versatile artwork that would work equally well on soft and hard goods.
Pilot hosted a photo shoot and choose models that displayed the same youthful, carefree energy as the lovable characters in the game. This allowed Pilot to execute product application examples custom to Rovio’s needs and provide inspiration to licensees. The final guides were printed and packaged for internal and licensing use.
The Bad Piggies Consumer Product Style Guide and Marketing Guide were the first in a series of complete guides created by Pilot for Rovio’s entertainment brands. It allowed Rovio to show its commitment to their licensing partners and fans. Providing strong graphics and design guidelines that will bolster the brand as a whole and in-turn increase revenues.
Pig Tales

Pig Tales

CLIENT: Rovio Entertainment, is an industry-changing entertainment media company that created the number one downloaded app of all time, Angry Bi Read More
