Identity for a dissident movement


Bachelor thesis project for the exam of "Sintesi Finale" with prof. Ermanno Guida.,
Andrea Braccaloni, Pietro Buffa and Alessandro Masserdotti.
Madjūs is a dissident movement that is opposed to capitalist system proposing alternatives. 
Its iconography and some of its principles are based on Viking culture. 

Behind the appearance of the website, posters and flag, 
hides a secret organization that communicates via a mobile application. 
This application is equipped with an encryption / decryption of messages
in the runic alphabet, which is generated through Vvvv. 
The members of the movement are associated with an animal symbol,
depending on their role in the organization. 
During a physical encounter is handed them a starter kit containing a manual, gadgets and a mask.
The mask, made in patchwork style, conceals the identity of the wearer during potentially dangerous actions.
Identity for a dissident movement