Nucara Pharmacy
Prescription Pad

This project features a prescription drug form used exclusively for Nucara Pharmacy. Upon receiving prescription orders from a doctor or nurse by phone, the order which contains information regarding the patient, prescriber, and drug detail must be written in a hard copy format before it can be put into the computer system to be filled. 

The previous prescription pads lacked certain information that had to be later filled in by hand, which increased the risk of error.

I redesigned the form based on the Nucara's branding in a way that would be easy for healthcare professionals to interpret and fill out. The pad is separated into three sections allowing the reader to gather all necessary medical information required by law before moving onto the next field. The redesign is now substantially easier to read, has more space dedicated to fields that require extra information, and includes additional measures of safety that the previous form lacked. 
Nucara Pharmacy

Nucara Pharmacy

Prescription drug form.
