Eng//Ā The sentence "Miseria de pan para tanto chorizo"Ā has been taken directly from the spanish slang sentence: "There's no bread for so many chorizos". Where chorizo (a piece of tasty and dry salami)Ā is referred to thieves, and bread toĀ a normal day food or the few incomes a normal citizen can have. To sum up, it means there are few resources for so many thieves. As you may know, Spain has been involved in some corruption cases among the high spheres of politics and bank executives (often, these two profiles are just one). This poster tries to alleviate the frustration with a smile and provoke the laugh at the adversities, a thing often required to catch up those thieves and send them far far away.
Esp// Tomado directamente de la expresiĆ³n popular "No hay pan para tanto chorizo", este pĆ³ster ilustra la realidad en la que la sociedad espaƱola vive sumida desde hace algunos aƱos, pero de forma divertida. Porque reĆ­rse de uno mismo es sano, ayuda a levantarse y a mandar a los chorizos muy muyĀ lejos.
Lineart, color and effects process.Ā 
Eng// If you fancy this, you can purchase the poster atĀ Rita Rita's shop in many kinds of paper, including framing and canvases.
Esp// En caso de que te guste, puedes adquirir el poster en la tienda de Rita Rita en muchos formatos de papel, incluyendo marcos y lienzos.
Thanks for watching!


This is the visual translation of the spanish expression "No hay pan para tanto chorizo", which means there's not enough bread for so many thieve Read More
