Sophia Weng's profile

Supplemental Art Portfolio

Triptych panel 1.
Pencil on paper, pencil on tracing paper, 18"x24". (2014)
Triptych panel 2.
Pencil on paper, pencil on tracing paper, 18"x24". (2014)
Triptych panel 3.
Pencil on paper, pencil on tracing paper, 18"x24". (2014)
Pen and pencil on paper, 9"x12". (2014)
Black and white colored pencil on gray toned paper. (2013)
Pen & ink sketch on watercolor paper, 7"x4". (2014)
Pen & ink sketch on watercolor paper, 4"x7". (2014)
Figure Gestures.
Compressed charcoal on newsprint, 18"x24". (2011)
Acrylic and oil on canvas board. (2013)
Oil on canvas, 18"x24". (2014)
Marker on paper, 16"x22". (2011)
Continuous line in pen, negative space in colored pencil, 16"x22". (2011)
Linoleum print, the first of a series of three prints. (2013)
Supplemental Art Portfolio

Supplemental Art Portfolio

My name is Sophia Weng, and this is my supplemental art portfolio which I will be sending out to all the colleges I will be applying to. I have i Read More
