An exhibition in the Stone School Gallery, Portage du Fort, Quebec.
September 12 - October 5, 2014.
This work is about the passage of travelling... A collection of digital prints, giglées, prints on metallic photo paper, hand-pulled prints (etching, litho) acrylics, watercolour, assemblage.
We spend our lives in movement. Travelling from room to room, a few blocks to school or further by bus. Travelling to work. Homeward. Cottage, cabin, tent. In traffic or on the open road. Music? Talk or silence.
The passage of travelling intrigues me, it’s a time of transition, impermanence. Going from A to B, your mind-frame changing gears as you leave the pattern of one place for a different one in the nearing distance. What captures your attention and imagination along the way...
Getting there’s half the fun -
How do you see your journey?

Nous passons notre vie en mouvement. Balade de salle en salle, quelques rues pour l’école ou un trajet en bus.
Se rendre au travail. Sur le chemin du retour. Vers le chalet, la cabane, la tente. Dans la circulation ou sur la
route. Musique? Parler ou se taire.
Le passage du temps de voyage m’intrigue, c’est une période de transition, de l’impermanence. Aller de A à B, votre état d’esprit change lorsque vous quittez l’ambiance d’une place pour une autre sur une courte distance. Qu’est-ce qui capte votre attention et votre imagination le long du chemin...

Comment y arriver, c’est la moitié du plaisir.
Comment voyez-vous votre voyage?

Series - Near Here
I have been lucky to be a participant of four Pontiac Artists' Asociation's Residencies, and have been mesmerised by the structure of the landscape in the Pontiac region, as well as the engaging and artistic people.
Series - In Between  
On the way from here to there, we concentrate on where we were and where we are going.
What about what we pass along the way?
Double vision
4 Two-sided panels, digital prints.
A digital print series from the train window illustrating the commute between Ile-Perrot and downtown Montreal through one semester.
Digital print; Hipstamatic series.  24 x 44"
Homeless Series
Tarp lodge   (top left)
The habitat of strong human spirit, the dwelling weaknesses overcome by need for a place to call one’s own.
Loss Near Home   (left, centre)
During my second semester at Concordia my cousin’s husband was dying of pancreatic cancer. Passing their
home every day, I needed to somehow connect with them artistically.
Final Station   (left, centre)
In my first Digital Intaglio class, trying to capture the sense of movement of the train.
Two Views   (bottom left)
A lenticular print Nine views of homeless tents opposed to an evening view of a fine hotel on rue Réné Levesque. What you see depends on which way you look.
Edition of 6.
Series - Near Home   (right panels)
In and around Montreal.
Accomodation available for those who like the outdoors, not many neighbours, easy commute.
Extra tarps an asset.
4 Digital prints, old tarp, wire, keys.
I was honoured to share the gallery space with Crombie McNeill, stunning photography in his exhibit
Harmony and Hardship.
In Passing

In Passing

An exhibition looking at the passage of travelling, the in-between from points A to B.
