青 昼's profile

MBTI Illustration Series


ENFJ-金毛狗, 金毛狗小小的身体里蕴藏着大大的能量,它阳光开朗,善良真诚,共情能力很强,当你情绪低落的时候,它总会安静的倾听守护,为你排忧解难,保护力max。

ENFJ-Golden Retriever, Golden Retriever small body contains a great deal of energy, it is sunny and cheerful, kind and sincere, empathy is very strong, when you are depressed, it will always be quiet to listen to the guardian, for you to solve the problem, the protection force max.


ENFP-彩虹狗, 彩虹狗和彩虹一样,是一只无厘头、每天都很快乐的小狗,它热情友善,风趣幽默,很善于结交朋友,脑子里有很多新奇的玩乐点子,总是带着一群朋友一起去探险,和它在一起每天都很快乐。它的人生格言是及时行乐。

ENFP-Rainbow Dog, Rainbow Dog, like Rainbow, is a no-nonsense, every day happy puppy, it is warm and friendly, funny, very good at making friends, there are a lot of new fun ideas in his head, and always take a group of friends to go on an adventure, and it's a pleasure to be with him every day. His motto in life is to have fun while you can.


ENTJ-狮子, 它是天生的领导者,极富魅力的指挥官,有它在的地方就有安全感,它总能用自己强大的实力和绝对的自信,把困难踩在脚下。

ENTJ-Lion, he is a natural leader, a charismatic commander, where he is there is a sense of security, he always uses his great strength and absolute self-confidence to trample the difficulties under his feet.


ENTP-丹顶鹤 ,个性洒脱,勇于打破常规,它好像没有输过一场辩论,唇枪舌战的舞台上,喝彩声此起彼伏。

ENTP-Danding Crane has a free-spirited personality and the courage to break the rules. It seems that it has never lost a debate, and the cheers are coming and going on the stage of the lip-sync battle.



ESFJ - narwhal, it is the little angel full of positive energy, enthusiastic and sincere, willing to help others, it has an umbrella on its head, which is also its unique decoration, when it rains, it will open wide to shelter others from the rain.


ESFP-孔雀, 它是天生的表演艺术家,潇洒而热烈,极富个人魅力,有它在的地方总是闪闪发光。

ESFP-Peacock, a born performer, dashing and passionate, with a personal touch that always shines wherever it is present.



ESTJ-Elephant, it is honest and reliable, willing to share, has a strong strength but also very friendly and close to people, always will be for the friends of both sides of the knife, a warrior style.


ESTP-野马, 它幽默,极富语言魅力,总是能说服他人加入自己的阵营。

ESTP-Mustang, which is humorous, extremely verbal, and always able to persuade others to join its side.


INFJ-天鹅, 它清冷柔和,友善又有距离感,洞察力和感知力惊人,独立而深刻,带着一丝神秘感,向往自由散漫的生活。

INFJ-Swan, it is cool and soft, friendly and distant, with amazing insight and perception, independent and profound, with a touch of mystery, yearning for a free-spirited life.



INFP-Starling cat, carefree, innocent and kind, rich imagination, daydreamer, likes to collect beautiful things, always will be happy for the collection of some rare small objects for a whole day, like a child who can't grow up.


INTJ-老虎, 理性睿智,超强大脑,超高的规划能力和执行力,在自己的专业技术领域是个佼佼者.

INTJ-Tiger, rational and wise, superb brain, superb planning ability and execution, is a leader in his field of expertise.


INTP-猫头鹰, 它不喜热闹,喜欢独立思考,逻辑和智商超高,超强的好奇心驱使它对新奇的事物总是不停的去探索,是个行走的百科全书。

INTP-Owl, it does not like lively, like independent thinking, logic and IQ is super high, super curiosity drives it to the novelty of things always keep exploring, is a walking encyclopedia.


ISFJ-小鹿, 它安静善良,总是时时刻刻为他人着想,像个白衣天使,它喜欢用自己的双手为他人编出一个美好的小世界。

ISFJ - Fawn, it is quiet and kind, always always thinking of others, like a white angel, it likes to use their hands to make a beautiful little world for others.


ISFP-兔子, 它天真烂漫,艺术细胞强大,喜欢探险,脑子里总有许多奇奇怪怪的新点子,创造力惊人。

ISFP-Rabbit, he is naive, artistic, loves to explore, always has a lot of strange new ideas in his head, and his creativity is amazing.


ISTJ-山竹熊, 它不善言辞,憨憨的外表下有一颗柔软的内心,体贴入微,总会默默的给身边的人支持,特别爱吃,厨艺无师自通,经常邀请朋友们来做客品尝厨艺。

ISTJ - Mangosteen Bear, it is not good at words, silly appearance has a soft heart, thoughtful, always quietly give support to those around him, especially love to eat, cooking, often invite friends to come and taste the cooking.


ISTP-黑猫, 它沉默寡言,但动手能力极强,极具匠心精神,它制作的玩具精美绝伦,喜欢沉浸在自己的世界里,身边有一堆自己亲手制作的玩具,它还会给每只玩具都取一个可爱的名字。

ISTP-Black cat, it is quiet, but very strong hands, very craftsmanship, it makes exquisite toys, like to immerse in their own world, surrounded by a pile of their own handmade toys, it will also give each toy a lovely name.
MBTI Illustration Series

MBTI Illustration Series
