Garden Grow

Here's an illustration for the Compost Revolution featuring my cheeky little dog Rey — should try and sneak her into all my work in the future.

The brief was to basically show a lush, vibrant garden with the beginnings of a veggie patch, all achievable through the wonders of composting.
I tried a few different approaches to the scene, but with the focus always on the character in the centre. The very first one is what we ended up going with, but with a clear sky instead of more trees, so that type can be put over it easily. Although, I'll always have a soft spot for the heart shaped shrubbery framing the scene.
The main use of the illustration was to be on posters and such, so I tested out a few variations of what that could look like using a little nursery rhyme that seemed appropriate. In the end, we combined two of them together.
About a year after the initial illustration, I did up a variant to show more of a family. Still prefer the one with my dog, way cuter, but maybe I'm biased.
This was a fun one to work on — rendering out all the colourful plants and such.

Also, if you live in Australia and are in need of a compost bin or worm farm, check out the Compost Revolution, as most councils along the east coast subsidise the bins so you can pick them up pretty cheap.
Garden Grow


Garden Grow

An illustration for the Compost Revolution. The brief was to basically show a lush, vibrant garden with the beginnings of a veggie patch, all ach Read More
