Aadyasha Priyadarshini's profile

"We are your ancestors, we are more expressive."

In the heart of an ancient land, where timeless temples stood sentinel and rugged rocks bore witness to the ages, a story as old as time itself unfolded. "We are your ancestors," whispered the winds that danced through the sacred courtyards and across the weathered stones. These words, laden with the weight of countless generations, spoke of a connection that spanned a millennia. "We are more expressive," they declared, a testament to the boundless emotions that flowed through the veins of every living creature.

Amidst the hallowed grounds, under a sky so clear and blue it seemed to touch the heavens, a group of monkeys swung gracefully from ledge to ledge, their agile forms a blur of motion against the radiant backdrop. Their eyes, bright and intelligent, sparkled with ancient wisdom and a playful spirit. "Jai Shree Ram," they chanted with a fervour that resonated deep within their soul, their voice a melody that intertwined with the echoing temple bells and the whispering breeze. This sacred chant, a bridge between the earthly and the divine, filled the temple courtyards and rocky outcrops with a sense of profound reverence and joy.

In their every move, the monkeys embodied an expressive exuberance, a living testament to the unfiltered emotions that their ancestors had cherished. Their laughter rang out like a joyous symphony; their calls were a chorus of love and devotion that echoed through the ancient halls. With each leap and bound, they painted stories in the air—tales of love, of struggle, of the eternal dance of life that their kind had known since time immemorial.

Their presence was a celebration of life’s myriad wonders. The monkeys' eyes reflected the golden hues of the setting sun, the dreams of countless generations, and the promise of a future that honoured the sacred bond between all living beings. In their expressive nature, they are a living connection to the past, a reminder of the beauty and depth of our shared heritage.

As they paused on a high ledge, bathed in the soft glow of twilight, tears of joy and happiness glistened in their eyes. The monkeys became a symbol of the eternal dance of existence. Their lives were a love letter to the universe, a romantic ode to the interconnectedness of all beings. Through them, the voices of their ancestors resonated, reminding us of the deep, abiding love that connects us all.

"We are your ancestors," they whispered through their every movement. "We are more expressive," they sang in the rustle of the leaves, the songs of the birds, and the gentle flow of the river. And with a heart brimming with love and devotion, the monkeys continued their sacred chant, "Jai Shree Ram," a timeless expression of reverence that united the past, present, and future in a harmonious embrace.

In that moment, under the canopy of the ancient sky, the monkeys were not just any creatures of the wild. They were the messengers of love, keepers of stories, and symbols of the eternal bond that connects all of creation. Through their expressive eyes and joyous hearts, the world remembered the beauty of their ancestry and the sacredness of life itself. And with each tear that fell, the earth itself seemed to share in their joy, a testament to the enduring spirit of love and unity that binds us all.
I chose to click black-and-white photographs of the monkeys because this medium naturally heightens contrasts and brings out the symbolic elements of the story. The sacred chant "Jai Shree Ram," the interplay of light and shadow, and the ancient temples are all imbued with deeper meaning. Black-and-white photography captures the duality of life, the interplay between the earthly and the divine, and the clarity of the message conveyed by the monkeys. Through the stark contrasts, I aim to emphasise these themes and provide a more profound visual experience.
"We are your ancestors, we are more expressive."


"We are your ancestors, we are more expressive."
