Kinga Osińska's profile

"Inspired by Japan" competition

I created this work for the "Inspired by Japan" competition organised by EIZO and Wacom. The competition was held under the patronage of the Ambassador of Japan, Akio Miyajima.

I didn't win any prize, but creating this illustration gave me a lot of joy and the opportunity to work on portraits!
My inspiration was the Japanese art of Kintsugi, which I used metaphorically on the characters' skin - our traumas and falls build our character, so let's wear them like gold decorations. 

Let's be proud of ourselves. Let's be kind to ourselves.
This was my first attempt at creating realistic hair! I know I still have a long way to go when it comes to creating characters, but this one already looks quite human ;).

Thanks for watching!
"Inspired by Japan" competition


"Inspired by Japan" competition
