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Kiosk-Refrigerator KULER - Food Waste Solution

BEST PROJECT AWARD - Terrapija 2.0

Kiosk-Refrigerator KULER is a neighborhood unit with solar panels, composters, and modern digital technology, created as part of the political party PRV1°, which directs its engaged program towards community welfare by reducing food waste – the second-largest cause of global warming.

With the help of KULER, the goal is to encourage local shops and citizens to donate by bringing and taking excess food, thereby reducing its wastage. Through unconventional informational and educational posters, a recipe app, an advertising newspaper leaflet, and a smart card for collecting points and earning bonus rewards, we focus on food that is "unattractive" and thus unwanted, as well as food that has passed its "expiration date" but is still usable for consumption. Such alternative solutions focused on community welfare are key in the fight against adverse climate changes.

Kiosk-Refrigerator KULER - Food Waste Solution

Kiosk-Refrigerator KULER - Food Waste Solution
