WolfAlert App
When moving in the forest, a wolf may surprise you. Although a wolf avoids humans, it may approach a dog, regarding it as prey or a representative of its species. For humans, wolves cause a state of fear, so you need to get rid of the wolf quickly, and this app is an excellent tool for that. If by chance you encounter a wolf in the wild, and it does not run away immediately, proceed as follows: 
 1. Show that you noticed it. Move and speak with a voice that belongs to it. Most likely, the wolf will turn to run away then at the latest. 
 2. If the wolf does not run away, follow it with your eyes. Don't make eye contact, but still show that you are observing that fear. Shout in a low voice. 
 3. Keep the wolf in front of you all the time, don't let it behind you (then you also lose eye contact). 
 4. Make sure the wolf has an escape route. So don't squeeze it into any hole or corner where it can't escape. If you are between e.g. a road, a sled rut, etc. and a wolf in winter, give the wolf a chance to get to the hard ground. 
 5. Consider whether it is possible that you have gotten between the small puppies and the mother. Try to get out of that position.
 6. Back away slowly, keeping your eye on the wolf.
The App is called WolfAlert 
and it helps you get rid of the wolf if met. The Goals are that you can relax in the forest - if you meet a wild animal such as wolf, moose etc. you can always use your WolfAlert app and make some noice to get rid of the situation. 
Target Customers
are anyone moving in the forest, but especially the ones that panic or are afraid to meet a wild animal.
With WolfAlert app you can choose to use the Alarm button on the first page and it calls directly to 112 and is giving you location information to them and you are able to ask for instructions. Or you are also able to choose from talk simulator button, Human cry out button or A shooting noice button to try to scare the wolf away. Since wolfs and moose etc are probably more afraid of you, talking simulator might be just enough. 
Business Description
This app would free to everyone to use, but also be sold to the local authorities as they are able to get the information where wolfes, bears, lynxes, moose etc are moving. 
Who's afraid of the wolf!

Wireframe of the app below
Persona Milla Mäkinen below

Mockup-Wolf Alert 

WolfAlert App

WolfAlert App


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