Stair Space Opening Party KV

Stair Space Opening Party KV

主視覺設計圍繞在Stair Space給人第一印象的大面積玻璃櫥窗,通透的空間可蘊含各種可能,我們將圖案與文字相互交錯變化,就像是不同的人事物於此交流碰撞,展開全新的樣貌。

The main visual design revolves around the large glass windows of Stair Space, which give the first impression of transparency and a space filled with various possibilities. We have intertwined patterns and text, creating a dynamic interplay, much like different people, events, and things interacting and colliding here, unfolding into a completely new aspect.

Client 客戶:Stair Space
Year 專案年份:2024
Designer 設計:林威廷
Project Management 專案:王昱雯
Photography 攝影:JERRYthePOPPER/定瑜
Motion Graphic 動態:JERRYthePOPPER
Stair Space Opening Party KV